Ernie's Incredible Illucinations: Significant Productions
This page contains details of significant productions of Alan Ayckbourn's Ernie's Incredible Illucinations, such as the professional world and London premieres. It is not a complete list of productions given that Ernie's Incredible Illucinations has been performed thousands of times around the globe since 1971 and is considered the single most performed Ayckbourn play.
World Premiere (1971) - Professional
Premiere: 17 September 1971
Venue: Arts Theatre, London (Unicorn Theatre For Children)
Staging: End-stage
Director: Caryl Jenner
Design: Matyelok Gibbs
Sound: Chris Pullen
Wardrobe: Lynn Reade
Venue: Arts Theatre, London (Unicorn Theatre For Children)
Staging: End-stage
Director: Caryl Jenner
Design: Matyelok Gibbs
Sound: Chris Pullen
Wardrobe: Lynn Reade
All other roles
All other roles
Laurence Keane
Veronica Foley
Henry Manning
Roy Spencer
Ursula Jones
Richard Jacques
Michael Shelley
Simon Blatchley
Rosemary Blake
Rosalind Speight
Kay Linson
Laurence Keane
Veronica Foley
Henry Manning
Roy Spencer
Ursula Jones
Richard Jacques
Michael Shelley
Simon Blatchley
Rosemary Blake
Rosalind Speight
Kay Linson
Note: This refers to the first known professional production of Ernie's Incredible Illucinations. By 1971, it had already been performed numerous times as an amateur production.
All research for this page by Simon Murgatroyd.